Ecuador: "EU tariff system makes banana prices volatile"

Ecuador: "EU tariff system makes banana prices volatile"

They are still studying ways to provide stability. German companies, for example, reduce their purchases of fruit when banana production starts falling.

Eduardo Ledesma, director of the Association of Exporters (AEBE), however, sees the tariff system as positive because it is based on competitiveness. Despite this, he adds that the danger to the Ecuadorian fruit is in the tariff preferences that their competitors Colombia and Central American countries have through agreements with the European Union.

bron: el universo

Ecuador: Banana producers reproach that there is no agreement with the EU

Ecuador: Banana producers reproach that there is no agreement with the EU

Hinrichs stressed that European businessmen are interested in a product where they do not have to try to save the most to give more, but they demand quality. "Ecuador has interesting fruit, which is why they export to more than 150 countries", he said.